Pet Photography Book Released in Hard Cover

It's officially here! My pet photography book, Pet Photography: The Secrets to Creating Authentic Pet Portraits is out in hard copy. I am so proud of this book and so excited that pet photographers and emerging pet photographers will have the opportunity to learn from my years of experience as a pet photographer and photo educator. This book feels good when you hold it, has an aesthetic quality of which I am proud and offers practical advice and thoughts on how to photograph pets and navigate many situations as a pet photographer. It was my commitment when writing this book to be vulnerable in my successes and failures for the reader's benefit.

This book wouldn't be what it is without the many incredible clients I've had the honor of working with over the years, Jess Glebe for her design and the folks at Rocky Nook Publishing for their efforts in making it a reality.

This pet photography book is for people who love pets and want to know more about how to take better images of their own pets and for those considering and pursuing a career as a professional pet photographer. It is based on many years of photographing and many years of teaching.

One of the aspects I cover in the book is gear. Which is the right camera? The right lens? The right lighting tools? While these are all valid questions and concerns, this book focuses on the underlying questions that will help you make the right decision for yourself for years to come, no matter what new camera or lighting gear is on the market. Getting caught up in the latest and greatest can become overwhelming and paralyzing and I wanted this book to empower you to make decisions for yourself moving forward as a pet photographer.

Gear overwhelm is real and I've experienced it! The best thing I've done for myself over the years is really evaluate my top priorities while considering budget and other expenses and acknowledge that there will always be something new out there the minute I make a purchasing decision. The less time we spend in "analysis paralysis" mode the more time we can spend creating pet portraits!

Buy this book now on, Barnes & Noble, and through my publisher Rocky Nook. (use CODE NLEVINE35 for 35% off from RockyNook!)

I look forward to sharing more about this book in the weeks to come.

Keep in touch via Facebook or Instagram with questions and your thoughts. (More information on my website as well). I hope it brings you some inspiration, pet lovers!

Warmly, Norah